Queries & appointments on +230 5821 2688

Book an appointment

You First!

We see patients on appointment basis, which is most convenient for patients they do not have to wait long hours and waste precious time in lobby.

Fill the form below for an appointment request. We will call you back for a time slot.

Note: The Ebene Dental Care team will contact you for the confirmation of your appointment. Please ensure your details are correctly filled in.

Covid 19 Disclaimer

By accepting the covid 19 disclaimer, you knowingly and willingly consent to have dental treatment at Ebene Dental Care.

The World Health Organization has declared COVID19 as a global pandemic and you know the risk of spread of infection and clinic staff are taking all measures in action to prevent transmission.

You understand the COVID19 virus has a long incubation period during which carriers of the virus may not show symptoms and still be highly contagious. It is impossible to determine who has it and who does not given the current limits in virus testing. Dental procedures create water spray . It is unclear how long the ultra fine nature of the spray may linger in the air which can transmit the COVID19 virus.

You will be required to answer a Covid19 questionnaire and will disclose all the information to best of your knowledge.

You have understood the information in this consent and you agree to cooperate with the dental office staff for same and you are above 18 years old in sound mind and without fear, threat or false misconception.