Our Services
Tooth Whitening
Tooth whitening is well sought after. We offer whitening in the dental office. It usually takes about 1hour and you get the result the same day and it will get even whiter the next day.
At the office whitening kits are stronger in concentration 35% compared to at home ones which are usually 10-15% concentrated. In office we make sure to protect the gums with a special dam . I have used many brands but there is one from the US that is really good , and the result stays for years compared to the other brands.
There are whitening kits that you can do at home using bleaching trays. Trays will be customed made after taking an impression of your upper and lower teeth and then we will explain how to apply the gel. There are also off the shelf whitening prefilled trays, they come in a box of 10 pairs of gel to be applied every night for 10 days.